Research Overview

UNMIL Vision

Your mind is an amorphous sentience riding a three-pound substrate of gelatinous brain. Within that brain, all of your sensations, thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams comprise electro-chemical patterns, endlessly reconfiguring themselves to give your mind the experiences of perception, cogitation, emotion, inspiration, and aspiration. Damage to that brain -- whether by physical injury, genetic predisposition, psychological trauma, infectious disease, or the march of time -- alters those electro-chemical, neural patterns. Though we may never understand how the mind creates itself upon the brain substrate, we absolutely know that disturbances to those neural patterns distort the experiences of that brain and may warp the fundamental consciousness of the mind within.

In our lab, we explore the physical nature of those electro-chemical patterns and how the information they convey undergird the mind. We aim to understand how neurological disorders impair native electro-chemical activity and impede brain function. We design, develop, and deploy clinical interventions to restore healthy electro-chemical patterning and rehabilitate information processing with the brain, to revitalize the mind it subserves.

Neural Modulation

Our lab sits at the intersection of basic neuroscience and neuroengineering. Through experimental, clinical, and computational work, we aim to decode brain signals, and to interpret the differences between neural information processing between default and disordered conditions. We seek to leverage this understanding to develop devices and approaches to modulate neural activity to treat neurological disorders.

Neural Information

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Multipronged Innovation

We microfabricate, test in animals, build computer models, test in human collaborators, etc etc. Brief explanation, and then link to Facilities page. On facilities page, include more than just space: talk about each part. So, 1) animal facilities and wetlab space, 2) nanofab facilities, 3) computer facilities, SCI/HPC, 4) neurosurgeon/hospital collaborators (data), etc.

Research Justification

Brief overview, link to Importance page.