Utah Neural Modulation & Information Lab

A layout for designers, developers and companies to create websites for show casing their products

Who we are

Overview page of people. This page does not yet exist yet, but should be something like "UNMIL Team". A quick summary of the neuroscience and engineering cross pollination, with links to "Join Team" page, "Chuck", "Trainees", and "Alumni"

When to find us (News, sorted by date)

When we did or will present at a conference:

Why? (missing page justifying importance of neurological disorders)

short summary of critical neurological conditions

What we do (Lab Overview)

Short summary of Neural Modulation & Information

Where we work (Facilities)

Description of University, College, Department, Lab

How (Methods: "Multipronged Approach")

Short list of methods

"Beautiful design made simple with the power of Page Builder's pre-built layouts"

Everest, a Page Builder layout 

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